Darwin Tide Times
Low Tide at 10:11 am
9:41 amLowPeron Island NorthLow Tide at 9:41 am
- Adelaide River-Adelaide River Boat Ramp
- Adelaide River-Andrews Point
- Adelaide River-Broad Reach
- Adelaide River-Castle Point
- Adelaide River-Hart Point
- Adelaide River-Melacca Creek Entrance
- Adelaide River-Salt Water Arm Entrance
- Adelaide River-The Narrows
- Adelaide River Mouth
- Andranangoo Creek Entrance
- Angler Reef
- Anson Bay
- Ant Cliff
- Apsley Strait
- Arluwampi Point
- Arrimu Creek Entrance
- Atauini Point
- Bare Sand Island
- Barlow Point
- Beagle A
- Beer Eetar Island
- Blackmore Point
- Bleesers Creek Entrance
- Bonkaji Creek Entrance
- Bonkalji Beach
- Bottlewasher Artificial Reef
- Bowen Bay
- Brace Point
- Bremer River Entrance
- Brenton Bay
- Brinkin
- Britarrimi Creek Entrance
- Brown Point
- Buchanan Island
- Buffalo Creek
- Buffalo Creek Entrance
- Bullocky Point
- Burge Point
- Burra Burra Head
- Cache Point
- Calder Shoal
- Camerons Beach
- Camp Beach
- Camp Point
- Cape Dombey
- Cape Ford
- Cape Fourcroy
- Cape Gambier
- Cape Hay
- Cape Helvetius
- Cape Keith
- Cape Lavery
- Cape Scott
- Cape Scott offshore
- Cape Van Diemen
- Casuarina Beach
- Catalina Island
- Catfish Creek Entrance
- Caution Point
- Channel Island
- Channel Point
- Charles Point
- Charles Point Lighthouse
- Cleft Point
- Cliff Head
- Clift Island
- Cobham Bay
- Cockle Point
- Coconut Grove
- Conder Point
- Corrawara Creek Entrance
- Cullen Bay Jetty
- Cullen Beach
- Daly River Mouth
- Darwin
- Darwin Harbour
- Darwin Liquified Natural Gas Terminal
- De Vere Creek Entrance
- Deception Point
- Dinah Beach
- Ditji Beach
- Djajalbit Islet
- Doctors Gully
- Don Point
- Dooley Point
- Dorcherty Island
- Doyles Boat Ramp
- Dudley Point
- Dum In Mirrie Island
- Dundee Beach
- Dundee FAD offshore
- Durham Point
- East Arm
- East Arm Entrance
- East Arm Wharf
- East Point
- Elliott Point
- Elsie Creek Entrance
- Emery Point
- Euro Creek Entrance
- Eurumpanelli Creek Entrance
- Evans Shoal
- Fannie Bay
- Fenton Patches
- Fenton Patches FAD offshore
- Finniss River Entrance
- Fish Reef
- Fishermans Wharf
- Fitzmaurice River Mouth
- Five Mile Beach
- Flag Rock
- Fletcher Point
- Fog Bay
- Fort Hill Wharf
- Fort Point
- Fossil Head
- Frances Bay
- Frances Bay Mooring Basin
- Fright Point
- Fuingatingerrany Creek Entrance
- Garden Point
- Garden Point Barge Landing
- Gilruth Point
- Glyde Point
- Goodrich Bank
- Gordon Bay
- Gordon Point
- Grose Island
- Gullala Creek Entrance
- Gunn Point
- Gunn Reef
- Ham Luong Artificial Reef
- Hancox Shoal
- Harlock Point
- Harold Point
- Harris Island
- Herbert Point
- Hingston Beach
- Hinxman Point
- Hope Inlet
- Hope Inlet-Tree Point
- Howard Channel
- Howard River Entrance
- Hudson Creek Boat Ramp
- Hudson Creek Entrance
- Hurd Poiint
- Hyland Bay
- Ida Bay
- Ida Creek Entrance
- Imaluk Beach
- Indian Island
- Injin Beach
- Interview Point
- Iron Ore Wharf
- Irrititu Island
- Kanunga Point
- Karslake Island
- Khalin Beach
- Kilu-Impini Creek Entrance
- King Cove
- Kings Creek Entrance
- Kinmore Point
- Kitchener Bay
- Knight Reef
- Kulaka-Iniarimu Creek Entrance
- Kumbunbur Creek Entrance
- Lamberts River Entrance
- Lameroo Beach
- Larrakeyah
- Laxton Reef
- Leaders Creek-Boat Ramp
- Leaders Creek Entrance
- Lee Point
- Lethbridge Bay
- Little Finniss River Entrance
- Loxton Shoal
- Ludmilla Creek Entrance
- Luxmore Head
- Lynedoch Bank
- Maclear Creek Entrance
- Madford Inlet
- Mairmull Creek Entrance
- Malgrew Point
- Mandorah
- Mandorah Jetty
- Manguntuwu Point
- Marloo Point
- Marralayangimpi Creek Entrance
- Meckit Creek Entrance
- Medina Inlet
- Mica Beach
- Middle Arm Entrance
- Middle Reef
- Milikapiti
- Mindil Beach
- Mirialampi Creek Entrance
- Mirrapoka Creek Entrance
- Mitchell Point
- Moonganunu Creek Entrance
- Morriu Point
- Moyle River Entrance
- Munanampi Point
- Munda Beach
- Munkunuwa
- Muranapi Point
- Murrow Point
- Murrumujuk
- Myilly Point
- Native Point
- Navy Patrol Boat Base
- Nebraska Beach
- New Moon Inlet
- Newby Shoal
- Nguiu
- Nightcliff
- Nightcliff Boat Ramp
- Nimbi Creek Entrance
- North Channel
- North Gutter FAD offshore
- North Shell Island
- Parsons Bank
- Paterson Point
- Pearce Point
- Pekiapauthera Creek Entrance
- Perakery Creek Entrance
- Peron Island North
- Peron Island South
- Picnic Point
- Pinyianappi Beach
- Piparto Creek Entrance
- Piper Head
- Pipianamili Creek Entrance
- Pirapillipoonga Creek Entrance
- Pularumpi
- Pirpatuwumi Creek Entrance
- Point Blaze
- Point Elly
- Point Fawcett offshore
- Point Jahleel offshore
- Point Jenny
- Point Jual
- Point Margaret
- Point Stephens
- Point Waters
- Port Cockburn
- Port Daly
- Port Darwin
- Port Darwin Entrance
- Port Hurd Entrance
- Port Keats
- Port Melville
- Port Patterson
- Port War
- Pramamee Creek Entrance
- Primaroo Creek Entrance
- Pukitiarmarloo Point
- Purninga Point
- Purumpenelli Point
- Radford Point
- Rapid Creek
- Rapid Creek Entrance
- Raptis Wharf
- Red Cliffs
- Reichardt Creek Entrance
- Reynolds River Entrance
- Rick Mills Artificial Reef
- Rinamatta Beach
- Robinson Inlet
- Rocky Point
- Sadgroves Creek Entrance
- Sandy Creek Entrance
- Saunders Creek Entrance
- Shark Bay
- Shoal Bay
- Sinclair Point
- Smoky Point
- Snake Bay
- South Barlow Point
- South Channel
- South Shell Island
- South West Vernon Island
- St Asaph Bay
- Stingray Head
- Stokes Hill Wharf
- Stokes Point
- Swamp Point
- Swires Bluff
- Takamprimili Creek Entrance
- Talc Head
- Tamar Point
- Tamratoarimu Creek Entrance
- Tapa Bay
- Taradiri Creek Entrance
- The Boxers
- The Gardens
- Tientebei Beach
- Tipabina Creek Entrance
- Tipperary Waters Marina Estate
- Tominappi Creek Entrance
- Treachery Bay
- Tree Point
- Truck Tipper Artificial Reef
- Tunganapu Creek Entrance
- Two Fella Creek Entrance